Wednesday, January 5

Til We Meet Again Thea Marie...

Thea Marie Bauer Littlefield
d. December 31, 2010

Dear Thea,

How do I say goodbye to you? You've been more than my BFF since we were 12 years old. I still remember the first day we glommed onto each other and didn't let go. It was the first day of school in 7th grade. We knew each other in grade school, I can remember you sitting in front of me in the 4th grade in home room. You wore your hair in one long braid down your back, and that horrible Mrs. Merritt would pull on your braid telling you to stop talking and pay attention...
It wasn't until the first day of Junior High School that our friendship really started though. They did things alphabetically back then, we were together in everything that first day. All the same classes, got seated next to each other, shared a locker... I can't remember a time during those first few years we weren't together, or talking on the phone.

Every big "first" was right along side of you... first kiss, first boyfriend, first "real" relationship... sometimes you were the leader, sometimes it was me, but we were inseparable. Even dated guys who were best friends in High School so we could double date for everything...

Remember our theme song? I Am Woman... when that song came out, we got the 45, played it over and over singing at the top of our lungs. Had our picture taken together outside of a women's restroom... read Cosmo like it was the Bible... checked with each other before making any kind of move in anything, then every detail discussed forever afterward too.

This is from a Summer vacation with my family, we were about 14 or 15...

On a Carrousel...

OMG! I think we are 30 in this picture! The Summer before you got married...

The Wedding Reception...

Had to crop this one, whoever took it was looking down my dress, showed everything!

Not a good picture, but the only one with you and your babies...

Wish I had more pictures... this was taken at your Dad's ranch, and can be representative of you riding off into the Sunset...

Until we meet again ♥
Love you always,

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