Tuesday, May 12

Not the best carpenters...

Oh my gosh, I can't believe how long everything takes! Silly me thought this cat fence would take 2-3 hours in an afternoon. Well, we are on our third day if you count shopping for the materials, and we still have a lot to do tomorrow.

Just making a note here, because I am tied up with this fence project, and not doing any of the work I should have been doing at night. I have been too tired, not very used to physical labor anymore, so it is wiping me out.

I did get flower making supplies all set out last night with the intent to make a few for vases that were finished last week. That's as far as I got though, looked at the things and decided to go to bed instead ;)

Will hopefully get back on track with normal things by tomorrow night. The cats are going crazy, wish I knew what they were all saying. I have a feeling it's something like "no, no! you are ruining everything!" as they watch from the windows, and cry and cry....

I am telling them it's a castle being built just for them, and nobody else has such a fine thing as they will have when it's finished.


De said...

Good luck with the fence! BTW, you've been tagged. Check out my blog for more information. It's ok if you don't have time to do anything with this. You're life is a little busy right now! ;0)

Joyce said...

Oh cool! I have been tagged! Will go to your blog for the rules a little later tonight De, how fun :)

PTAH House Builders said...

Its realy nice to tag with you,its very cool. Carpenters In Brisbane